
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blueberry Muffin Overnight Oats

I have a thing about bowls. Or rather, I have a thing about cute bowls. I'm thinking about starting a collection of cute bowls. And I use them every single day, so it's not as if they'd be wasting away in a box somewhere. I use bowls for everything from my peanut butter cheerio/fiber one combo, to my beloved greek yogurt parfaits (breakfast, snack, or dessert of course), to soups, to salads, to quinoa and rice dishes... I just love bowls. They are my favorite type of dish I'v decided. 

I know you're thinking, um... if you love bowls so much why is your yogurt in a jar? 

I love mason jars too. They're probably my second favorite dish. But this is a story about a bowl.

One of my favorite-ever bowls is hand painted, red on the outside with big multi-colored polka dots, and yellow on the inside. It's my "happy bowl". But I am sorry to admit that this bowl has been dying a slow and very sad death for the past few months. The rim of the bowl has been chipping away til now there are large chunks of the ceramic and paint missing. It's tragic.

I only wash it by hand and try to be as delicate as possible but it seems that it's destined to fall apart before my very eyes. And the Hubby has been trying to throw it away for the past couple of months since there's a good chance I've been eating paint and bits of glass in the mornings. 

Of course, he doesn't understand why I haven't let him toss it til I find a replacement. But being the fantastic guy he is, he's joined me on a very long and tiring search for a new "happy bowl". 

The thing is that I have been so dang picky. It can't be too wide, and it can't be too shallow. It has to be glass. And decorated in such a way that it puts me in a good mood. Hence, the "happy bowl". It's just how I like to start out my day. Eating a healthy and delicious breakfast from a cute and cheerful bowl. And how I like to end my day. With something less-healthy but definitely equally delicious coming straight from that same mood-lifting bowl. 

So it's been a bit of a challenge finding the right one. 

But yesterday, I found it. (Que the angles singing)

It was green and cute and adorable with white polka dots and a handle on the side, just the right depth and roundness.... I was so excited.  I joyfully handed my new treasure to the check-out lady and watched as she tenderly wrapped it in paper and put it in a bag. 

Then it hit me. Oh no......

I already have a green bowl. 

Ah!! The hubby bought me a green bowl a little while ago to try to coax me out of using the dying and dangerous one. I apologized profusely to the lady and asked if I could switch the bowl for a different one. She said yes but that we'd have to return the item and purchase the other one separately. I said okay and apologized profusely. 

How embarrassing.

A few minutes later I checked out with the red bowl instead. 

But as I was about to leave the store, I made the mistake of walking past the display of bowls again. 

Uh oh. That black and white one is really really cute. . . 

Yeah I did it. I know, I'm ridiculous. 

I got back in line with the black and white bowl. 

And I got the same cashier as before. Luckily, she just laughed about it with me and said I could check out as many times as I wanted to. I promised her that it would be the last time for sure.

At least for today.

So this morning I had my cereal in the red bowl, my yogurt in the black and white bowl and it made me so happy and put me in such a good mood that I made the really embarrassing decision that I am going to go back and buy the other two colors. Green and blue. 

You'd think I could just purchase a bowl and move on with my life right?? I can't help it though. Like I said, I've got this thing for bowls. 

Oh P.S. You should make these overnight oats. And put them in a cute bowl. It will make you happy, I promise.

*You may notice in the pictures that I also added fiber one cereal with my flake cereal. This is completely a personal preference and you made do so if you like but it is not necessary at all. 

Do you have any weird quirks like an obsession with cute bowls? Or is it just me? :)

Thanks ladies for hosting today!


  1. I don't have a bowl obsession, but I do like jars, milk bottles and, oddly, interesting bottle openers. (I'm sure some psychologist would tell you these are the markings of a warped mind.) This looks like such a unique and simple recipe, and the photos are delicious.

    1. Okay it's not just me then! Lets just not ask the psychologist and agree that these odd affinities for random kitchen objects is completely normal. :) thanks for the compliment on my photographs, this turned out to be one of my favorite grab n go breakfasts, I make it all the time!

  2. Haha, definitely not just you! I cannot resist cute bowls. But you're right, they have to be the perfect shape. It's so hard to find one just right. When I do I will buy it in every color I can! :D Your oats look delicious! I love that purple color :)

  3. I love purple foods! I put blackberries and blueberries in loads of dishes just for the sake of getting that insanely beautiful color. And I'm so glad someone understands my bowl dilemma... It's a tough task finding the perfect one! :)

  4. Yummy, looks great! We would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Two Girls and a Party
    Live every Wednesday to Sunday. Hosted by:
    Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off
    We hope to see you there!

    1. Hi Dana! Thanks for the invite I'll definitely be linking up! :)

  5. I have a thing for large bowls that I mostly buy on vacation. they're hung on my wall and I use all but two of them. One was my grandmothers dated 1912 and the other I got in Mexico and the outside is orange clay and unglazed except for the artists fingerprints.
    reneracine-Key West, FL

    1. Oh I would die to see those bowls! Sounds like an incredible collection!

  6. I made these last night so I could grab a quick breakfast this morning - YUM! I will definitely be making these oats again :) I left off the cereal (because I didn't have any & didn't feel like making a trip to the store - they're still fantastic) Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    1. I'm so glad you liked these! They are so delicious and easy I make them again and again and again... Can't get enough. :) Sometimes I leave the cereal off if I'm not feelin it or if I'm out and still love the oats just as much. So glad you loved the recipe! Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment Janet!

  7. This sounds so wonderful, being sugar free. Perfect for diabetics. Would love to know what the carb count would be.

    1. oooh, I'm not sure... One of these days I'd like to get the nutritional stats for all of my recipes up on the blog... Ah, if only I had a few more hours in the day right?? It'll happen one of these days!

  8. I've a thing for bowls but I haven't let it bloom because my love for mugs and tea pots is much stronger... I have so many stashed away! I have some I use everyday and others I'm keeping for when I have a home of my own.

    It's nice to have something so simple to enjoy! It makes food taste better, i swear.

    I'm going to try this recipe tonight. I've been looking for a fresh oatmeal idea :D Thanks!

    1. Oh I would die to see your teapot collection! I agree, food can taste great on it's own but the whole experience is heightened when you have a little something extra like a favorite dish to put it in... a food pleasure bonus I'd say! I hope you like the oats!


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