
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Double Chocolate Butterscotch Bars

You know how some people think they are funny, but they really are not so funny? But then they are funny just because they think they are funny?

You know someone like that, admit it.

That is my math professor.

He really really thinks he is funny. And what he says isn't actually funny. He's just funny because he thinks he is funny.

You can tell he has all of his jokes rehearsed to a tee. And trust me, they are pretty much flawless. Never misses a line.

I'm not just saying that it seems rehearsed, because there are definitely those kinds of people, where their funniness isn't quite natural and you have to wonder if they've told that joke before.

No, I know for a fact that this professor's jokes are rehearsed.

I know it because he uses power points to teach the class. And on his power points.... are his jokes.

I'm not kidding! He stands in front of the podium, says his joke and simultaneously clicks his remote to animate the next point on the screen behind him, and it's always exactly what he is saying out loud.

Now that is funny.

I'm totally not complaining, because I've had to deal with a lot worse in my college career.

Like the microbiology professor who I'm pretty sure was older than Moses and probably petted a dinosaur or two in his day. And oh that monotone voice, just setting you up for failure... Goodnight folks, see you in a couple hours when the class is over...

That was a tough one.

And my personal favorite, the astronomy professor from Africa (SO COOL!) who could barely speak English (poor guy) and we could only understand about every fifth or sixth word in his lecture. Plus those chairs were like lazy boys, they leaned back so you could look up at the domed ceiling and see the constellations, and he turned off the lights! Still not sure how I scraped a passing grade in that class.

So what I'm saying is that even though his class is loooong and I really don't love math.... this professor is definitely going on my Really Weird and Bizarre Professors I Had in College list.

And at least I don't fall asleep in that class. Although sometimes I really long for one of those astronomy lazy boys...

But there is nothing funny about these Double Chocolate Butterscotch Bars folks. They are absolutely DIVINE and I couldn't possibly joke about them. It might hurt their feelings. And since I plan on making these half a dozen times in the near future, I'm gonna stick to a deep respect for them.

Just look at them! The layers!

I love love love layers in desserts. Or pretty much any food. And these layers just sing to me.

Buttery crumb crust... Chewy butterscotch center.... white chocolate.... milk chocolate..... AH!

So. Freaking. Amazing.

And I have a problem. An addiction. To sweet, delicious, scrumptious, desserts. I just can't stop eating them. Or making them. Which leads to eating them.

Can you blame me though?? Look at em! Just calling to my butterscotch soft spot. Maybe my waist is not thankful, but the rest of me is sooo glad these are in my life. They're just too amazing.

Make em. Just make em.

Linking Up With:


  1. First of all, this post was super funny and I agree on the weird/funny professors you encounter in college.. the stories I could tell about some of them!

    These bars look so good! And I love the ribbon you wrapped them up in, so cute!


    1. Honestly, we should write a book about all of the crazy professors we've had, I'm positive it would be a big hit. ;) Thanks Ally!

      P.S. Watch for my email reply, I'll be getting back to you today! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Emily! They're quite addicting though,help me! ha ha

  3. Pinning these love the butterscotch it really makes these bars.

    1. Thanks Diane! Butterscotch is one of my absolute favorite flavors, I can't get enough!

  4. Love love love the layers layers layers. =) So glad you shared this yummy treat at Weekend Potluck. Pinning!

    1. Aren't layers the best?! Thanks so much for coming by from the potluck Marsha!

  5. :O Look at these butterscotch bars! :) Whoa! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers!

  6. These look incredible!!! Hopping over from Time to Sparkle link party!

  7. Your professor sounds hilarious! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Your pictures are making me hungry.

    I found you on Tasty Tuesdays party. Have a good one!


    1. He's the only reason I'm suriving that class! ha ha! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, have a fantastic day Ritchil! :)

  8. shut.
    pining these!! They look lovely, and those layers(!). Stopping by from Anyonita's - have a great day!

    *Soliloquy Of Food & Such*

  9. The layers are the best part!!! Thanks so much Kim!!! :)

  10. Pinning immediately!!! Way too good.

    So glad you linked up with us at the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop.

    Sharon and Denise

    1. Thank you so much for hosting, so glad I found your Link Hop!

  11. Those look sooooo good. I haven't had anything butterscotch in a long time. Time to bring back the good old days and add some butterscotch sweets to my dessert stash. Pinning so I can make later!

    1. It comes in waves for me, I just get huge cravings for butterscotch from time to time and then everything I make for the next few days gets butterscotched! Ha ha. Thanks for stopping by Marie, I hope you love it!!

  12. These look so good! Just pinned them! :)


  13. Caution: they're sort of addicting!! Thanks Elyse!!

  14. Replies
    1. Oh it's definitely my pleasure! ha ha, thanks Steph!

  15. i am wild over your pics, i already knew i was addicted to sugar, but you just make it even better~

    1. Thank you so much! That honestly just made my day!! :)

  16. It's official. All of your pictures are amazing.

    1. Danielle thank you! Your comment just made my night!! :)

  17. These look amazing!!!!! We would love for you to share at our first Super Summer Saturday party here:!


    1. Great! I'm excited to join the party, thank you so much for the invite Julie!!

  18. Thank you for linking up these bars at our SImply Create Link Party! I just wanted to let you know that I am featuring them as part of 17 Delicious Dessert Bars today on the blog.


    1. Thank you so much Melissa I'm thrilled that you are featuring me and heading over to check out the post! Thanks again!!


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