
Friday, June 7, 2013

Santa Fe Chicken Tacos

Okay I really really like avocados. Maybe it's the color. Green is my favorite color. And a good, perfectly ripe avocado has the most gorgeous two-tone green color going on. Plus green just screams HEALTHY to me. Which makes it just that much better.

And cilantro. Oh I can never have enough cilantro. I once dated a guy who took me to Cafe Rio (if you have not visited this incredible food establishment your life is seriously lacking) and ordered his tostada without cilantro.


No Cilantro?


He said it was too spicy. What the...?? Where do you get off with a crazy idea like that? I've never even heard of cilantro being described as "spicy" in my whole life. I really don't know how to describe the incredible taste of cilantro other than Delicious. 

And it's impossible to have too much. Not enough? Oh I have encountered that situation many, many times unfortunately. But too much? Never.  I have yet to experience a dish made with too much cilantro. I'm convinced that it just can't be done. That's like saying, "this dish has too much flavor... I'd really prefer something a little more bland please...".

Crazy talk.

That being said, please do not do yourself the injustice of holding back on the cilantro-garnishing. These tacos need to be over-cilantroed. (Cilantroed? Yes, real word.) G'head, put a few more leaves on.

Like Nike so profoundly states...

Just do it.

Thanks for hosting ladies!


  1. Oh, my! These tacos look incredible!

    I would love it if you would link up and share some of your wonderful recipes with my readers on my Foodie Friday Blog Hop! You can share some of your favorite recipes and find some new ones, as well!

    Hope to see you there!

    A Room for Two with a View

    1. Hi Melissa! Thanks for the invite, I'm heading over to your Foodie Friday Blog Hop now! Looking forward to linking up with you!! :)

  2. Hey there! Here from the Blog Hop! Just wanted to let you know I'm following you via Pinterest! I also liked your Facebook page! Hope you'll get a chance to visit me :o) You can find me here:

    Blog url



    1. Hi, thanks so much for stopping by and becoming a new follower! I took a look at your blog, love it! Liked you on FB and following on Pinterest! :)

  3. Oooo, these sound delicious! Just wanted to say thanks for the follow back on Pinterest; appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful Monday :o)

  4. These look so simple and delicious, but I always have trouble finding decent tortillas. The ones in the grocery story are either too dry or too rubbery. Do other people have this problem?

    1. I've found that if I "steam" store bought tortillas, they are so much better! I just wrap them in a damp paper towel and microwave them for 15-20 seconds, presto!

  5. That looks so delicious and tasty. I really love it and hope to make this one in future.


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