
Monday, July 1, 2013

Last Minute Patriotic Treats

Well, I have some good news and some bad news.

Which would you like first?

The good news? Okay.

Pierre, my beloved camera, can be fixed and is being fixed and is not going to cost me a large fortune.

The bad news: I won't have him back for at least a week. 

Which means all of my insanely awesome fourth of july recipes, summer recipes, everyday recipes that I intended to make, photograph, and share with you this week are on hold. 

I'm d.y.i.n.g. here! 

I have a couple of backup recipes (one of which is going to absolutely blow you away for sure!!!) and I plan on posting them later this week, but in the meantime, I made yet another fourth of July roundup for you. 

Are you sick of these yet? Please don't hate me! You have no idea how much it's killing me to be posting all of these other amazing bloggers' recipes and so few of my own! I've made some killer dishes lately and I have no one to be excited about them with me! When I get through this whole ordeal and get my camera back in it's former glory, you will be in for some pretty incredible treats, I promise!

For now, lets take a look at some last minute partriotic goodies that some of my friends have come up with. They all look D.E.lish!!! Which ones are you planning on making this week??

Check it out, I've been featured! 

A huge thanks to the lovely hosts of Time To Sparkle and Anyonita Nibbles

Linking up today with:

*Please pin individual recipes from their original sources, thank you.


  1. Another great patriotic roundup! :) This is going to come in handy; we've just been invited to a 4th of July BBQ for expats here in England. I wasn't planning on making anything special this year, now I've got to! :) Thanks for saving my hide! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

    1. If you're anything like me, I always think I'm planning ahead but time gets away from me and I'm scrambling at the last minute to make decisions and throw something together! This roundup is my saving grace this holiday, ha ha. Thanks so much Anyonita!

  2. I am in the same boat as you! Except for instead of a broken camera.. I dropped all of the cupcakes I was so excited about sharing all over the floor BEFORE I had pictures taken! Ahh.. so lovely. Thank goodness for other bloggers and their lovely recipes so we can put together great lists like this one! I'm putting together a 4th of July treat list as well. And I agree it's killing me to not share my recipes!:)

    Thanks so sharing!

    1. Oh my gosh, that is the absolute worst! We are on a roll here! ha ha! ahhhhh! Serious crisis week!! I'm really hoping next week we have much better luck from the food-blogging universe.

      Thanks so much Ally!!

  3. Absolutely lovely round up! :D loving the hot fudge sauce!

    1. Thank you! The hot fudge sauce is soooooo yummy! I sort of ate half of it straight from the jar... is that terrible?! ha ha! Happy 4th Miss Messy!!

  4. Hi, I'm Allie with My Card Party and I saw your link at This Silly Girl's Life Linky Party #23. I love your collection of last minute ideas for the holiday - it kind of snuck up on me. I linked up my Sweet Corn Cakes. Happy 4th!

    1. Holidays always ALWAYS sneak up on me... I don't know where the time goes!!! Thanks for stopping by Allie!

  5. This is a great Round up! I am glad that you will have your camera back soon!! Thanks for linking on Tasty Tuesdays! I am one of the co-hosts this month and I love this recipe!!!

    1. I am literally counting down the hours til I have it back, I simply cannot wait, I'm dying! So glad you stopped by Chandra, thank you!!!


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