
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mexican Volcano Dip

Yesterday was either a disastrous success, or a successful disaster.

I can't decide which.

Since some of my relatives are in town and wanted to see our new house, I decided to host a little dinner party. 

I don't know if you could really call it a party. But dinner was to be had, and dessert, and we were sort of celebrating the new house so... yeah, a dinner party. 

I had some lovely intentions and fantastic plans for the day, but they didn't all go down exactly like I thought they would in my head. 

Exhibit A. We get our drinking water from a local well. It's free and it's on religious property (we like to call it "Holy Water") and it's the most clean, refreshing, best tasting water I've had in my life. Or I should say, tasteless water. Because the best water should have no taste or flavor at all. (Unlike bottled water which usually tastes like there is hairspray in it.) 

When I went to get our water yesterday morning, I cracked one of the jugs and it spilled all down my legs. Yeah, it looked like I'd had an accident.

Exhibit B. Immediately after getting our water from the well, I decided I couldn't stand my dirty car another minute and stopped to give it a little spray down at the DIY car wash. 

It was all going wonderfully until I finished with the washing and rinsing and realized I didn't have any towels to dry it off. So there are streaks all over my freshly washed car. 


Exhibit C, D, and E. 

My job interview (round two) lasted an hour and a half people. It was loooong. And I was late getting home to fix dinner for the party. So then I was frantically rushing. 

And the temperature outside sky rocketed last night so my plan to have half of the guests sit outside on the deck at our patio table was ruined and I had to be tacky and ask my father to bring over an extra table to put inside. 


Then in my haste to prepare dinner I spilled one of the containers of water that I'd just filled up at the well earlier. 

And successfully soaked a second pair of pants. 

The only real success yesterday was this dip. 

Which is ironic seeing as how it was the one thing I didn't have a plan for. 

I just started out mixing things together, not really knowing what I was making til it was finished. It actually turned out really, really good. Kind of like seven-layer dip. Except... not. 

And wouldn't you know it, this was everyone's favorite part of the meal too. Figures.

Except for these popsicles we had for dessert. (And another variety which I'll be posting soon!)  They really loved those too. 

So I guess this dip made the day a success. 

Thank you Mexican Volcano Dip for saving the day. 

This dip goes great with...

I've been featured this week!

A big thanks to Lil Luna for featuring my Golden Oreo Cake Batter Frozen Greek Yogurt!

Linking up:


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