
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches

Que the singing angels please.

This. Is a truly heavenly creation.

The hubby works all over the valley and the other day he was working not far from where I had an appointment scheduled downtown. So being the sweet thing he is, he invited me to meet him for a lunch date. 

My appointment was done around eleven in the morning and I had some time to kill before meeting up for lunch so I thought I'd take the opportunity to wander around the Whole Foods market that was nearby. I love that store. Anybody agree with me? It's wonderful.

Anyway, as I was doing my wandering, I picked up a couple of new nut butters to try and a clif bar or two (is it just me who thinks the kidz clif bars are fantastic??) and was about to go check out when I came across...

The brownie and cookie display case. 


I decided it would be fun to pick out a couple and take them to try with the hubby.  They had all sorts of mouthwatering (and some slightly strange-looking) creations here in the case and I circled it a couple of times trying to narrow down the options. 

Eventually I settled on a carmelita-type brownie thing and a peanut butter sandwich cookie. They were both delicious but I found myself hours later wanting another one of those peanut butter sandwich cookies. I'd never tried a sandwich cookie of any kind (not including ice cream sandwiches which are absolutely incredible and I can't live without) so this was a new experience to me.

Where the heck have these sandwich cookies been all my life and why did no one tell me I was living such an empty life without them??

The next day that cookie was still on my mind and I finally decided to accept the fact that I really needed another one so I could be satisfied and move on with my life.

But rather than driving allll the way back to Whole Foods (there isn't one real close by) I decided to put my skills to the test and try to reinvent it in my own kitchen.

Oh. My. Heavenly word.


They turned out fifty billion times better than the one I'd picked up from Whole Foods! (No offense Whole Foods, it's just the truth. Take comfort knowing yours was much healthier I'm sure.) I'm pretty sure I'm in love. (Honey could you move over a bit and make room for my sandwich cookie...?)

But really. I was blown away.

I was headed to class that night while the hubby was on his way home from work so I told him over the phone that "the best cookies in the history of ever" were sitting on the kitchen counter. He tried one and texted me this during class... "Hon those cookies were amazing! You're the bestest ever!" 

Yeah, yeah, I know... (wink.)

But really that means alot coming from him because truth be told, he's kind of a picky eater. He likes things really traditional and has a hard time expanding his food horizons if you know what I mean. Like if he is used to something, he likes it that way and has a hard time falling in love with anything different. It's usually, "it's good... but I really like it this way..." 

Drives me crazy sometimes.

But like I said, he totally loved these cookies. So that's definitely saying something.

And now that they're gone I'm just sitting around spending all of my time trying to come up with a few dozen reasons and occasions to make these again.

Um, today is Saturday... that's a plenty good reason right?

Whatever. These don't need a reason or occasion. They're just freaking amazing and need to be made and enjoyed.

Thanks to The Best Blog Recipes for featuring my White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Pancakes this week!

Today I'm linking up with:


  1. I could eat one of these right now, they look delicious. I love wandering around different food stores, it's exciting discovering new and tasty things.

    1. I have to give myself a time limit in stores like whole foods and trader joes cause ill end up spending my whole day there wandering around the aisles!

  2. these look absolutely amazing! what a great cookie combo

  3. Peanut butter and oatmeal ~ perfect for breakfast!! We'll have to try these and I am sure they will go over big with our families. Thanks!

    We appreciate that you linked up this wonderful recipe at the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop.

    We'd totally love it if you would link back to BeBetsy.

    Have a great week~xo
    Sharon and Denise!

    1. For breakfast = genius! These babies are soooo yummy, hope you love them!!

  4. they look yummy! Is there peanut butter in the frosting? It looks so brown for just butter and powdeted sugar. Gotta get some oatmeal on the way home tonight.

    1. Oh my gosh you're so right! There is definitely peanut butter in the frosting, major typo!!! Thanks for the catch Andi!!

  5. I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of PB...but I'm am sure that my friends would love me even more if I made those. :)
    Thanks for sharing at Monday Funday Link Party!
    Hope your weekend is extraordinary!

    1. Oh I promise you these will win over any peanut butter lover!! Thank you so much Diane!!

  6. Mmm peanut butter oatmeal cookies?! Yes, please! Love this combination and these cookies look perfect! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

  7. I love when you create something to duplicate another and it turns out better. Score!! These look awesome - I thought they were a special kind of macaron at first glance. Pinning right now. :) Thanks for sharing at Tasty Tuesdays!

    1. Isn't that the best?! And they do kind of look like macaroons! I need to try my hand at some of those babies... Thanks Jess!!

  8. These sound awesome! I've made cookie sandwiches once or twice, but honestly, it usually doesn't occur to me--obviously I've been living a meaningless life too! Thank goodness you had Whole Foods to straighten you out and give you some guidance. :) Hey, tomorrow is Saturday--I think that means you need to make these cookies again!


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