
Sunday, June 16, 2013

White Butterscotch Buddies

Happy Father's Day! I'd personally like to wish my own father a very very happy day today, I love him so much and he's been such an incredible influence in my life!

Now in honor of this fantastic day, let me introduce you to the most amazing things EVER...


Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. 

Get these away from me. 

Right now.


I can't.....stop......eating these!!!

I have a serious confession to make. 

I almost broke the Food Blogger Oath. You didn't know there was a Food Blogger Oath did you? Well there is. And somewhere in it there is a line that says "I solemnly swear that I will share with my readers each and every fantastic concoction created in my humble kitchen for as long as I live..." or something like that. 

I almost broke that oath. 

I almost didn't share this recipe. 


I know, I know, I know! So so horrible of me! But in my own defense, these are highly addictive and may have impaired my judgement. 

I kept going back and forth. To share? Or not to share?

And after realizing my total selfishness I settled on the only reasonable choice.

Definitely to share. It would be unjust not to. 

I seriously just couldn't stop eating these, I just kept shoving them into my mouth like it was just me and these on a deserted island and not a single bite of anything else to be found. They were just so good

I mean, I expected to like them because, well, it was me who dreamed them up in the first place. Why would I imagine a dessert that I wouldn't love right?

I just didn't expect them to be so incredibly, amazingly, unbelievably delicious.

The worst part (can there be a worst part about something so utterly wonderful...?) was that of course, nobody was home to partake of these buddies with me. So there was no one and nothing to stop me from demolishing that mountain of sugary goodness all on my own. 


Sick tummy.

Luckily about half way through I came to my senses and packed up the rest, took it to my parents' house, and shoved them at my brothers. They helped spare me from the disgrace of eating every last muddy buddy in site. 

I've had a lot of muddy buddies in my day folks but I must say, these really take the cake. I've never had anything like it. Go make these immediately, I insist upon it. 

But find someone to share with. Unless you have more self control than me. Then just make them all by your lonesome and do your best to pace yourself. 

Today I'm Linking Up With:


  1. I'm a huge muddy buddy fan, and agree that these take the cake! What a delicious recipe!

    1. These really are the best ones I've made! Thanks Kristen! :)

  2. I LOVE muddy buddies! Great idea combining this with butterscotch!

  3. We could totally make ourselves sick because we would have to eat the entire batch-which is a good thing when you think about it! LOL Keep the good stuff coming....

    So glad you linked up with us at the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop.

    We'd love it if you would link back to BeBetsy at the bottom of your post.

    Have a great week~xo
    Sharon and Denise!

  4. Muddy Buddies are a great Dad's Day Gift!

  5. I love muddy buddies. I'll definitely be trying these out. Thanks!

    1. These ones are definitely at the top of my muddy buddy list!let me know what you think!

  6. I've never had a muddy buddy, but these look delicious! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

  7. I am stoked to see a new flavored muddy buddy - I thought I had seen them all. Your site rocks and every recipe looks freakin' delicious! So glad to have found you through Tasty Tuesdays - look forward to your future posts. :)

    1. Oh Jess, if you like muddy buddies anywhere near as much as I do, you are going to go absolutely nuts for these! I almost cried they are so good! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment, I can't tell you how much it means to hear such wonderful feedback!


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