
Friday, July 5, 2013

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats

I love holidays.

 You know what I love even more?

Productive holidays.

I know, sounds a little contradictory doesn't it?

The thing is, I feel alot more satisfied at the end of a holiday if I spent the day doing worthwhile things. I don't mean just getting a few items crossed off of my ever-lengthening to do list. Although I am happy when that happens too. 

I'm just not the type to sleep in til noon on a day off. 

I'd rather get up at a decent time, get my day started, and spend my holiday doing things that make me happy. Whatever those might be. And they change from time to time. 

Today, what made me happy was a whole bunch of random things.

I slept in... til 7:20. I know, some of you are saying "that's not sleeping in!!" But it definitely is for me. I usually get up somewhere between 5 and 6, generally 5:30. So 7:20 is sleeping in.

And I made breakfast. 

Sort of. 

Okay not really. 

I threw together a yogurt parfait bowl for myself and PB&J toast for the Hubby cause, that's what he wanted. Even though I totally offered to make him star-shaped pancakes. 

How you can say no to that I will never know. But he did. He just wanted PB&J toast. 


We ran a couple of errands, getting some things we needed for the house, and started on some home-makeover projects. (If you're not following me on Instagram, you should be!!)  

I put together one of those Tipsy Pot Planter things you've probably seen floating around pinterest. If you haven't seen it you have to check it out!! 

I saw one in a magazine a few years ago and forgot all about it until I saw it again on Pinterest and was reminded of how neat I thought they were. I've been dying to make one but didn't have anywhere to put it until we bought the house. Now I've got a whole yard to fill with crazy stuff like this!

Pretty dang proud of myself for making that thing P.S. 

 We also did a little painting project. 

When you walk in the front door we have a split entry. Up the stairs leads to our kitchen (can't wait to get working on that project!) and down the stairs leads to the garage and great room. But right there at the bottom of the stairs was a hideous blue wall. 

It just had to go.

So on Monday I played with those fun paint chip cards from Lowes forever. I brought home half a dozen samples, taped them to the wall, and we took a vote. Spice Wine won. 

Look at how it turned out

We love it. It's hard not to be happy with anything covering up that nasty blue but we really do like the color we chose and are relieved to see something a little more soothing on the eyes when we walk in every day!

Those projects took all morning and afternoon and we finished the wall just in time to get cleaned up and head over to a family barbecue at my parents.

My brothers made some killer ribs on the grill by the way, and my mother made bacon-wrapped chicken. So good! 

Speaking of bacon, I tried chocolate dipped bacon this week. Honestly? It kind of tasted like what I imagine dog food fondue would taste like. 


I was quite disappointed.

But overnight oats, they never disappoint me. They are always delicious, always waiting patiently for me, ready to go in the morning when I'm running late for work and don't have a minute to spare. 

I love overnight oats. And these pumpkin pie overnight oats? Ooooh so good. I know it's July and pumpkin pie type dishes are generally saved for the fall time of year, but I love pumpkin anytime. Fall, Spring, Summer, morning, night... You get the idea.

If you are busy (like me) and always get up late (definitely like me) and love pumpkin pie or anything like unto it (me, me, me!) then you need to make these. They take 3 or 4 minutes tops. Your running-late-in-the-morning self will thank you for having these in the fridge, ready to go. 

Linking Up:


  1. Hi Tiffany! This looks so delicious! Perfect for everyday but particularly for a fall morning! Thank you so much for sharing, your photography is also superb!
    Came to visit you from Rattlebridge Fram's Party, Lizy

    1. Liz I'm so glad you stopped by! This is definitely a favorite of mine anytime of year but especially in the fall. Thank you for complimenting my photography, I can't tell you how much it means to me!

  2. Thanks for the invitation Cathy! Can't wait to link up!

  3. I'm a little skeptical about the cold oat thing, but I'll give it a try. Hopped over from Tasty Tuesdays.
    Tina @ Mommynificent

    1. Took me forever to finally talk myself into trying cold oatmeal but at long last I did and I'm hooked. They're so yummy and easy peasy for on the go mornings!

  4. This sounds yummy, definitely giving it a try - pinning now! Thanks for sharing this!

    ~Jen @

    1. It's one of my favorite breakfasts: easy and delicious=win win! Thanks Jen!

  5. I've not got on board the overnight oats train ... I'm so hesitant because I'm the pickiest oatmeal eater in the world! I'm afraid that they'd be mushy and and I like my oats a bit firm! This combination, however, sounds divine! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!


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