
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quick & Easy {No Yeast!} Cinnamon Rolls

Sometimes I'm kind of lazy.

There. I said it.

It's just a fact of life, most of the time I am totally on top of things and go-go-go every minute of the day (and often the night...) but on occasion, I'm really lazy.

Like with cinnamon rolls. 

I really love cinnamon rolls. I do. All that gooey cinnamon-sugary stuff in the middle and that thick frosting shmeared all over the top. I love it all.

But I really don't love the idea of using yeast, rising times, and the looooong process that making cinnamon rolls can require. 

I know I know. 


I know I should just buck up, get over my laziness (and a little fear) and just learn how to make cinnamon rolls with yeast.

I should.

But in all honesty that will probably never happen.

Because these ones required no yeast or rising time and were so so SO good.

I'll be honest though, the first recipe I tried came out terrible. 

They were basically hard and dry except for the very center. And since I was actually making them as a thank-you gift for the Hubby's aunt and uncle, I sort of felt it would be weird to attach a note saying "oh by the way, the outside is as hard as a rock so save your teeth and just eat the middles!"

So I tried again. And these ones came out spectacular. Even better than I had hoped actually. But maybe my expectations were low after the first batch went south.

But I have to say something about this frosting. 

Holy heaven.

I think we can all agree that the frosting the best part, yes?

Except the problem with alot of cinnamon roll frostings is that they are delicious for one or two bites but then makes you sick and you can't even finish the roll because the frosting is so rich. 

This frosting does not have that problem. I could eat it for days and days and never get that sick feeling. Just a please make another batch quick feeling. 

It's pretty much perfect.

I've already thought of a few ways I want to use this frosting in the future. 

And one of them includes only a bowl and a spoon. 

But the others are a little less obsessive. 

I know I said I made these for a thank-you gift but obviously I kept a few for the Hubby and myself. Mine didn't survive til he got home from work but when he got to try his last night he couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough. And he seriously had no complaints. No critiques. Nothin. 

Except he did say he wished I hadn't given them all away. So I guess I'll have to make them again pretty soon. 

Hey, I'm not complaining. These babies were delish.

Quick & Easy {No Yeast!} Cinnamon Rolls

For the Filling:
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
3 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
2 Tbs butter, softened
Optional: 1/2 cup raisins

For the Dough:
2 1/2 cups flour
2 Tbs sugar
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt 
1 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup milk 
4 Tbs butter, melted, divided
2 Tbs butter, softened

For the Frosting:
3 Tbs butter, softened
3 oz cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup half n half
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 425. Use about 1 Tbs melted butter to grease the bottom of a 9 inch cake pan. Set aide.
In a medium bowl combine sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Mix together. Add in vanilla and cut in butter with a fork or your hands until well combined. Set aside.
In a large bowl whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Using a liquid measuring cup, measure 1 cup of buttermilk, add 1/4 cup other milk (I used 1%) and then whisk in 2 Tbs melted butter. Mix buttermilk mixture into dry ingredients until just combined, then knead with your hands for about 30 seconds. (I recommend flouring hands first as the dough will be quite sticky)
Lightly flour a clean work surface. Use hands to press dough into a 12x10 inch rectangle. (does not have to be exact or perfectly rectangular). Brush 2 Tbs softened butter onto the entire surface of the dough. Spread filling evenly onto dough coming to about 1/2 inch of edges. Lightly press filling into dough. If including optional raisins, now sprinkle them on top of the dough. Starting with the long end of the rectangle, roll the dough to the opposite end. Roll the dough back and forth to shape it evenly into a log shape. Pinch the ends together and cut off the excess, about 1/2 inch. Cut the dough into 8 equal sections. 
Place one roll in the middle of the buttered cake pan and then place the remaining seven rolls evenly around the first. Brush the tops with remaining 2 Tbs melted butter. Place rolls in the oven and allow to bake at 425 for about 15 minutes, then reduce temperature to 350 and allow to bake about 10 more minutes, until edges begin to lightly brown. (I like mine a little more doughy so I pulled them out a little early.) 
While rolls are baking, prepare the frosting. Using a hand mixer, beat softened butter and cream cheese until light and creamy. Add in powdered sugar, vanilla, and half n half. Mix until well combined. When rolls are finished baking, allow to cool 5-10 minutes before spreading the frosting on. Store in airtight container for 2 days or serve immediately. Enjoy!

*Makes 8 cinnamon rolls

(Recipe adapted from Cooking Classy)

I've been featured!!

A big THANK YOU to the lovely ladies of Time To Sparkle for featuring my Dreamcicle Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches this week! 

Linking Up:


  1. Oh my goodness. These loook so yummy! My bf loves cinnamon rolls so we will have to try these soon :)

    1. Yummy and super super easy and quick! It doesn't get any better than that! Let me know if your BF loves them!

  2. Really girl? why???? Why are you making things so easy for me to not even thinking of starting a diet!!! Holy Molly! these look fantastic!!! Thank You so much for sharing! Yeast is always and intimidating revive it with water that is too hot is dead, too cold is dead as well, so no yeast is an all win win situation! I came to visit you via Anyonita Nibbles' party ( I didn't see this particular yumminess linked there but I wonder around your blog, hope it's ok)

    1. Ha ha! Oh Liz, you should try my diet. It's called Make Delicious Cinnamon Rolls And Devour The Pan In Less Than An Hour! Yeast has definitely been scary for me, I really need to learn to work with it... but in the mean time these cinnamon rolls are doing a great job of keeping that yeast at bay! Definitely wander around my blog as often as you like, I'd simply love it! Thanks Liz!

  3. The pictures made me think "I've got to try one of those!". It's great to find an easier version since the recipes using wait take a good amount of time to make.
    I'm adding your blog to my reading list since it's so amazing :)

    1. Megan! Thank you so much for complementing my photographs! I'm flattered to be added to your reading list, I look forward to sharing many many more recipes and fun stories with you! Have a fantastic Wednesday!! :)

  4. Yum, yum, yum, Tiffany! :) Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!


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