
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Golden Oreo Cake Batter Frozen {Greek} Yogurt

I love birthday cake.

Well, I love delicious birthday cake. Obviously. Because not all birthday cake is created equal.

And I really love ice cream birthday cake. Which I experienced for the first time a couple of years ago at an office party for someones over-the-hill celebration. I fell in love. 

I mean birthday cake and ice cream is a classic, fantastic combination and always will be. Which is why  it's become a widely practiced tradition and keeps making an appearance year after year.

But birthday cake ice cream... birthday cake and ice cream all rolled into one delicious dessert?? 

Now that is cause for celebration.

What's even better about this dessert is that it is a greek yogurt version.

Raise your hand if you're bordering on obsession with greek yogurt.

Good, I'm not alone. (You may put your hands down now.)

All you need to do is stick a candle in the top of this goodness and you've got the best birthday treat imaginable. 

Or anyday treat. Cause really, my birthday isn't for a few months. And I sort of need this in my present life. 

And while we're on the subject of birthday candles, tell me, do you blow out the candles before or after you sing "Happy Birthday"?

Because it wasn't until I was in college that I realized all of the world did not blow out the candles and then sing the song. 

Isn't that how it's supposed to go? Make a wish, spit all over the cake while trying to extinguish the teeny flames all in one breath, and then break out into an off-key chorus while the birthday VIP avoids the awkward attention by focusing on pulling each candle out of the cake and licking the frosting off? 

That's how we do it at our house. 

And I was basically shocked to find out that anyone did it differently.

I got that whole panicked-oh my gosh they're doing it wrong-pit in my stomach. 

Yeah, we're serious about birthdays around here. Gotta do it right.

This frozen yogurt though, it's ah-mazing.

The Hubby doesn't care for greek yogurt so the slight tang wasn't his thing, which is fine by me!  I'm happy to devour this stuff alllll by my lonesome. 

And I did. 

In about 48 hours. 

Maybe less.

And then I made it again.

It was that good.

After that first episode I made a couple more batches to see if I could "healthify" it a bit.  Both the second and third attempts were scrumptious and indeed, healthier. 

I used less oreos, no sweetener, less cake batter mix... not quite as jaw-dropping as the recipe I've shared with you, but definitely yummy. And both batches disappeared just as quicly as the first. 

But since there's greek yogurt in it, it's already a way better option than regular ice cream right? 

Sure it is. 

So do yourself a favor and don't be stingy with that cake mix and the oreos. They are soooo worth it.

My favorite part was getting a big chunk of that oreo that had softened a bit in the freezing process so it was almost like sinking my teeth into a real bite of cake. . . 

Okay now I need some. Good thing I already bought the stuff to make another batch. I'm thinking these items might have to become staples in my kitchen. The oreos and such, just for this frozen yogurt. 

It's official.

I'm hooked.

Linking Up:


  1. Ugh this looks to good to be true... We are hosting an extra special month long linky party through all of July focusing on frozen Summertime treats and we would love for you to join us! The best part is there is also an amazing GIVEAWAY! To get in on the action please visit us at We Scream for Ice Cream Linky Party + GIVEAWAY! Live from July 1st until July 30th. Hosted by: Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off We hope to see you there!

    1. Thanks Dana! I'll be coming by the ice cream party for sure! Thanks so much for the invitation and for stopping by!

  2. You are making me hungry! That looks good, too!

  3. I love that you have just as many cookies as yogurt. THAT is the way that ice cream should look! :)

    1. Exactly! If you're gonna indulge, do it right!!

  4. Just saw this on TS! I made some Golden Oreo ice cream with sprinkles a couple weeks ago and your post reminds me to make it again - or make yours. It's so healthy!

    1. Just checked out your recipe- great minds seriously think alike. Awesome recipe Averie! Thanks so much for stopping by and drooling over this with me ha ha!

  5. I've been eyeing these golden oreos for months now ... can't get them in the UK unfortunately. :( Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

    1. Oh dang, maybe I'll have to send some to you! Thanks Anyonita!!

  6. Do you think that this could work in a Cuisinart ice cream maker? Sounds fun!

    1. I have only tried it as a no-machine recipe but I'm almost positive it would turn out just amazing with your ice cream maker. Definitely give it a try and let me know how it turns out!!

  7. I'll be featuring YOU tomorrow morning on my blog! Thank you so much for linking up to {wow me} wednesday!

    Ginger @

    1. thank you Ginger I appreciate it so much! So excited!

  8. Made this recipe's fantastic! I also added a half teaspoon of almond extract (just because I love the flavor). Thanks for sharing this!


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