
Friday, June 28, 2013

Vacation Favorites

I am going to be MIA for a day, the hubby and I are going down to Lake Powell ( LOVE love love Lake Powell!) with the fam and because of our moving situation and my camera crisis, I don't have any recipes of my own to share with you today :( 

But don't you worry! I've gathered up a few of my favorites from this week for you to drool over and I'll be back PRONTO to bring you more goodies from Creme de la Crumb! Happy Friday!!!

(Um, holy yum!!!!!)

(And she does it again with a deliciously classic flavor combo...)

(I NEED these. Please someone make them for me!!!)

(These look super super delicious and easy which is a huge bonus!!)

(What the... where have these been all of my life?!?!?! GENIUS!!!)

Well, that's all I've got for now! Enjoy your weekend and I'll be back before you even miss me!!! 

Oh wait, you miss me already?


Well I'll be back VERY VERY soon!! Like, in two days! You can wait that long. Promise.

Ta ta for now!!!

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