
Monday, July 1, 2013

Strawberry Cheesecake Bars

Home sweet home.

These past weeks have so crazy. We were barely able to get everything moved in and sort of settled before we took off on our trip down to lake powell (which was it's own adventure and I'll have to spread the fun and not-so-fun details over several upcoming posts!). 

We are home now and I can't tell you how glad I am about that. Just to be able to breathe for two seconds. 

Of course I'm still stuck in the nightmare that is my whole camera fiasco. Remember how I left him at a shop to get fixed? Well they couldn't fix him. So I picked him up and sent him off to the manufacturing location in California right before we left for Powell. 

Actually, I packed him up and dropped him off at my parents at midnight with instructions on what to do and where to send him for my father who is probably the only person in this world I would trust to take care of my camera almost as well as I would. 

I was so hoping to have an email waiting for me from Canon when I got back from the lake, saying that they could fix Pierre (my camera) quickly, inexpensively, and that I'd have him back in my hands within a few days.

But alas, no email.

And so I wait. And pine. For my camera. Because I have so many recipes to photograph and share with you it's just painful to be waiting like this!

I took the pictures in this post with my brother in law's camera, hoping that I would maybe be able to use it to get by til Pierre was fixed. But this shoot was awful to to you the truth. Stressful, miserable, frustrating... I hate these pictures. 

But this is unfortunately all I could do with what I had. I'm sorry!!! As soon as I have my own trusty camera back, I'll bring you the most beautiful pictures! Or at least alot of pictures. To make up for these measly three.  

Until then, pretend like these strawberry cheesecake bars look really delicious and tasty. Because they really are. You'll just have to trust me. I served them to my family when they came over to see the new house and everybody loved them. There wasn't a single one left!

My sister even called me the next day to tell me she'd had a dream about them. That she and my hubby were fighting over the last one in the dream and that she needed the recipe so she can sleep in peace from now on. 

So they've gotta be good right?

Don't trust the pictures, take my word for it. 

Have I ever led you astray??

Love cheesecake?? Check out some of these other great cheesecake-themed desserts!

Linking Up:


  1. These look absolutely DIVINE
    I'd really like to reach out and grab one so I could eat it now ! :)

    1. Thank you Winnie! If I had any leftover I'd definitely share but every single one was consumed!! Guess we'll have to make another batch now won't we? ;) Thanks Winnie!

  2. Oh those bars would hit the spot right now! :) Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

  3. My husband loves cheesecake, and he would go nuts over these!!

    1. Plus they are easy peasy so it's a win win right?!

  4. oh yum. this made my mouth water! DELISH! Saw you at Tasty Tuesday!

    Would LOVE for you to share this on Super Sunday at Who Needs a Cape? We are live!

    1. Thanks so much Heather! Heading over now to share! :)


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