
Friday, July 12, 2013

Sugar Cookie Bars

Oh Pierre, you have been sorely missed.

For those of you who are coming into the story a little late, Pierre is my beautiful, incredibly talented DSLR camera. Yes, my camera. And yes, he has a name. We're very close he and I. 

Well a few weeks ago, Pierre had a quarter life crisis.  

Right in the middle of a shoot. 

Just stopped working. Shut down and wouldn't power up again. 

I tried everything in the world to fix him but simply could not revive him. 

After a failed attempt to have him fixed at a local repair shop downtown, I very very reluctantly shipped him across the country to the manufacturer to have the big boys take a look at him. 

It wasn't a cheap fix and it was the longest three weeks of my life. (Hence all of the round-ups I've been dishing out lately instead of my own recipes. Sorry!!)

But at last he is home and well and we are happily reunited. 

And celebrating.

With some quality one on one time.

And lots and lots of recipes. 

First up, these Sugar Cookie Bars.

Look at all those sprinkles!

It's like a massive party, all bundled up in a tasty bar. 

When I first made these, I tried them warm from the oven and I have to be honest, I wasn't loving them. 

So I wasn't actually planning on sharing them. Or even keeping the recipe obviously. 

But I left them on the counter anyway til the next morning. And while I was fixing some breakfast thought, oh what the heck, I'll have a bite of one of those bars. I mean, they're pretty cute and hard to resist. Even with my bad first impression. 

And woah. They literally changed overnight.

Okay, they didn't really change. They just had time to cook completely. And they were D-licious. 

Which brings me to my conclusion that sugar cookies are not meant to be eaten warm. They're  just not.

So make these, let them cool off, and then enjoy the yumminess of these little cuties. 

Welcome home Pierre!

Linking Up:


  1. Yum, they look amazing...and Pierre did a great job!

  2. Gorgeous! So glad Pierre was able to be revived :) I just lost my camera charger so my own DSLR (note to self: come up with cute name for camera) is out of commission for a bit. Sad day!

    Ahh. Can't get over how delicious these look!

    1. Oh I totally feel your pain. For three weeks I felt as though I'd lost an arm. Sad sad sad! Hope your soon-to-be-named DSLR is back in business pronto! Thanks so much Erika!

  3. What a pretty and playful treat! I will definitely be making these.


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