
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Oreo Cookies n' Cream Pudding Pops

So I kind of hate shopping.

Okay, maybe I don't totally hate shopping. But I really am kind of weird about shopping. 

For instance, my favorite clothing item to shop for is shoes.

Not because I'm a shoe fanatic, like a lot of women. (And a lot of men. My husband loves shoes.)

 But because they require the least amount of undressing and redressing. (Maybe that's my lazy side speaking up again...)

And because I'm short. Which means my feet are tiny. Which means that the display shoe is always my size. None of that trying to balance the whole tower of shoe boxes while you pull out the seventh one down. 

Nope. I can try on shoe after shoe after shoe in about two minutes. 

People with big feet hate me. 

Another weird thing about my shopping habits?

I prefer to shop alone. 

Yes, I promise I am a female. 

But I really prefer to shop by myself. No flock of gals streaming behind me. Like in high school when all the girls went to the bathroom together. 

I like to shop by myself because there is a wall I always hit where I'm suddenly done shopping. Either at that store, or for that item, or for the day. All of a sudden, I'm done. 

I've been known to put everything back I was intending to purchase and leave the store because I simply didn't care to be shopping anymore. 

And my mother thinks I'm insane. 

But I have another strange quirk with shopping. 

It's the weirdest thing. 

I'll purchase something I didn't even know I needed, and then suddenly that item is the solution to everything for a while. 

Somehow my new shoes just go with everything and every time I go to my closet to grab a pair of shoes that new pair is glowing and saying pick me! Your outfit needs me to be complete. 

And I totally get caught up in this new pair of shoes. (Or jacket, or earrings...)

Suddenly I'm wearing those shoes every single day and I'm like, oh my gosh, how did I ever even live before I got these shoes... 

You may be wondering by this point why I am telling you this. Well now you will find out. 

These Cookies n' Cream Pops?

I can't figure out how I lived before I made them. 

They're just so good. 

They actually remind me of the cookies n' cream concrete (very very thick, rich ice cream) from a place called Nielson's in Utah where the Hubby and I used to go every single week when we were dating. 

That probably plays a role in my fondness of these popsicles. 

But really. They're freaking good.

Do you like oreos? 

Make these. 

Don't like oreos?

Make em anyway!

They're awesome. 


  1. I have to try this ASAP! They look so great with oreo.

    1. The oreo chunks through the popsicle are the BEST part!

  2. Oh i wish i could get pudding in the UK, these look fabulous!

    1. Ah shoot, no pudding?? Hmmmm.... i'll keep my eye out for a good substitute!

  3. I have no clue how I have never lived without these before. These sound fabulous and I really can't wait to try it. My favorite ice cream is cookies n cream and the oreo is my favorite cookie.

    1. Ah! We're like long lost sisters. I ADORE cookies n' cream. If you do too then you would absolutely go nuts for these! I'm keeping them permanently stocked in my freezer!

  4. I am loving the chunks of oreos in these popsicles. Your photos are making me drool too!

    PS: I found you over on Finding the pretty & delicious party


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